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Lvl 150 Kraal
Prestige Lvl 65271,382 to level
Player is suspended indefinitely

Level 2 of Challengers

Attack 12,908 Defence 7,839
HP 39,583 Speed 258,286
Accuracy 100.30% Block 12.83%
Crit Strike 13.66% Crit Resist 7.50%
Income/hr 17,471 Cr Turns/hr 705
Exp/hr 298

Game Mastery

  • Experience 99,112,368
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 0
  • Commander Thug89
Available103,301 Cr
Banked482,803,242 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • -After-Math-
  • Shoebob
  • Thug89

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Equipped Items


when are you ready to accept the truth..?

Active Skill Effects

KojOnes has no active skills :(

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All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 99,112,368
  • Guild Challengers
  • Guild Rank Level 2
  • Commander Thug89
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 891,776
  • Defensive 344
  • Raiding 21,495
  • Bounties 1,667
  • MF Level 301
  • Link Clicks 175,935