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Lvl 150 D'Jinn
Prestige Lvl 22231,352 to level
Player is suspended indefinitely

Level 1 of Challengers

Attack 11,864 Defence 7,931
HP 36,797 Speed 243,281
Accuracy 90.04% Block 6.75%
Crit Strike 7.11% Crit Resist 6.75%
Income/hr 22,238 Cr Turns/hr 764
Exp/hr 186

Game Mastery

Just here to relax and have fun.
  • Experience 50,653,128
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 0
  • Commander N/A
Available5,377 Cr
Banked348,544,891 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • Wraith
  • xVioLenCe
  • Shoebob
  • Thug89
  • xPiSToLeRo
  • BAMF
  • MaFioSo

Top Enemies View All

Equipped Items


Dread Gaming

While our guild is not a Challengers guild, they were the only ones that originally gave us a hand when we started on this game and we will always support them in their goals.


Active Skill Effects

BaseGodFelix has no active skills :(

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 50,653,128
  • Guild Challengers
  • Guild Rank Level 1
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 457,500
  • Defensive 96
  • Raiding 374
  • Bounties 0
  • MF Level 301
  • Link Clicks 83,622